引述Walter Murch

“The ultimate metaphoric sound is silence. If you can get the film to a place with no sound where there should be sound, the audience will crowd that silence with sounds and feelings of their own making, and they will, individually, answer the question of, “Why is it quiet?” If the slope to silence is at the right angle, you will get the audience to a strange and wonderful place where the film becomes their own creation in a way that is deeper than any other.”

為何要引述這段話,某日課堂上,討論電影:BECK 搖滾新樂園

為甚麼? 電影裡唱歌部分都是無聲? 突然聽到這點的疑惑...

無意間,在尋找聲音大師Walter Murch資料時,看見這段!


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